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API Design for C++. Martin Ry
ISBN: 0123850037,9780123850034 | 446 pages | 12 Mb

API Design for C++ Martin Ry
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
Now we have the same API for the simple (and invasive) scenario, but with minimal effort, we have made it possible to use non invasive and smart approaches. Compare this to what you can do with C++ mixins, there's a lot more to it than just delegating interface members to other objects. Therefore, I think it's critical to factor the C/C++ API design so that as much of it as possible is writable in application level python on top of a small core that does the final C++ dispatch. The latest C++11 Standard was a brave attempt, after many years of neglect, at catching up with the reality of concurrent programming. API Design for C++ book download. The style of software programming interfaces can impact the behavior, abilities, security, and ease of use of stop-consumer applications. Public class Customers : Versioned
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